DB Engineering & Consulting has been commissioned with the overall planning of railway engineering work at three intersections as part of the redesign of the Berlin Funkturm motorway junction.

The tender of Deutsche Einheit Fernstraßenplanungs- und -bau GmbH (DEGES) for the planning of railway reconstruction work using the BIM methodology as part of the redesign of the Funkturm motorway junction was decided in favour of DB E&C. Dieter Kubba, Head of Region Eastern Germany: “I am very pleased with the award. With the commissioning by DEGES we are securing our presence in the non-DB market”.
The motorway junction at the Berlin Funkturm is currently the most heavily congested motorway junction in Germany. It connects the two motorways A 100 and A 115 and is considered a critical junction with a very high risk of traffic jams due to the heavy traffic and connecting roads to the city road network. The redesign is primarily intended to increase traffic safety. For this reason, the motorway network and the city road network are to be strictly separated from each other. In addition to the rearrangement of traffic installations, engineering structures will also have to be renewed.
Dieter Kubba
Caroline-Michaelis-Str. 5 – 11 (Haus D)
10115 Berlin