The planning contract for the Cologne hub covers the facilities of DB Netz AG from Cologne Hansaring via Cologne Central Station to the new stop Köln-Kalk West. The design and approval planning using the BIM methodology has been commissioned. The contract also contains the option for the work phases of implementation planning, preparation and participation in the award of contracts. DB E&C is responsible for the entire traffic facility planning and the planning of the railway engineering equipment.
The partner SPI, with its extensive experience in underground railway planning in the city area, will be responsible for the implementation of the complex construction in the area of Cologne Central Station. The basic evaluation and preliminary planning was already successfully completed in September 2018 with DB E&C’s Environment, Geotechnics & Geodesy division.
For more information see (only in German): https://www.sbahnkoeln.de
DB Engineering & Consulting
EUREF-Campus 14
10829 Berlin