From October 8th to 10th, 2019, Elmia Nordic Transport Infrastructure takes place in Jönköping, Swedish Småland.
DB Engineering & Consulting (DB E&C), an international engineering and consulting company belonging to Deutsche Bahn, participates in Elmia for the first time in order to call attention to its newly established branch in Northern Europe.

In October 2018, DB E&C opened its Nordic branch office with Knut Halvorsen as Regional Director Scandinavia. Knut Halvorsen and his team serve customers from mainly Sweden and Norway. Currently, projects regarding highspeed consulting, 3 D modelling as well as battery trains are being screened or implemented.
At Elmia fair, Vipul Tropani from DB E&C gives a presentation on Smart Cities. Twice a day, fair visitors have the possibility to join guided, technical walks around the fair to different exhibitors. At DB E&C’s booth, Isodoros Sapounas presented activities around predictive maintenance for railways.
Michael Ahlgrimm
Audēju iela 15-6
LV-1050 RÄ«ga