
DB Engineering & Consulting amongst the winners of Charge On Innovation Challenge

September 7, 2021 – 6:58 am

Key global mining industry participants have come together to solve one of the biggest issues in mining today: the decarbonization of mining operations. DB Engineering & Consulting and partner Echion Technologies have successfully faced the challenge and have been selected as one of the innovators whose solution will progress further.

Diesel-powered haul truck fleets are responsible for up to 80% of a mine’s emissions, but electrifying them requires charging systems capable of delivering energy at unprecedented power levels during operations. Mining companies BHP, Rio Tinto, Vale and others created the Charge On Innovation Challenge in 2021 to engage with experts in zero emission technologies in a global quest to significantly decarbonize their mining operations. The challenge sought to accelerate commercialization of effective solutions for charging large electric haul trucks while simultaneously demonstrating there is an emerging market for these solutions in mining.

DB Engineering & Consulting is determined to achieve ambitious emissions reduction targets as well as helping others to do the same. Following on from completing a feasibility study for Vale to decarbonize rail haulage on the Estrada de Ferro Carajas and Estrada de Ferro Vitoria Minas (EFC & EFVM)  iron ore rail haulage routes, the Charge On Innovation Challenge was a good opportunity to promote DB Engineering & Consulting´s credentials as an innovative transport company and demonstrate its expertise in the application of zero emissions technologies.

Partners in expertise

DB Engineering & Consulting has partnered with an innovative battery technology developer,  Echion Technologies, to make a submission for the Charge On Innovation Challenge. Together they have developed a world-leading solution for the electrification of mining trucks: The Catenary and Advanced Battery Technology system combines proven rail industry technology with cutting edge XNO™ battery chemistry to deliver an unrivalled electric solution. It applies DB Engineering & Consulting’s expertise in overhead rail traction systems and Echion’s proprietary superfast charging Li-ion battery materials technology. The solution achieves the energy budget objectives set and identifies technology and implementation measures to overcome some of the shortfalls of battery technology due to high power requirements and cycling demands expected in a mining environment.

In May 2022, DB Engineering & Consulting and Echion Technologies were selected along with 7 other innovators to progress beyond the Charge On Innovation Challenge. Winners are collaborating with interested mining companies, OEMs and investors to accelerate the technology development to support the future roll-out of zero-emissions fleets.

Learn more about the challenge and all the winners here.


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