speed increases: GESH
speed increases: GESH

Faster trains for Schleswig-Holstein

Nahverkehrsverbund Schleswig-Holstein GmbH (NAH.SH GmbH), based in Kiel, Germany, is the public transport authority responsible for organizing transport services operated in the public interest (PSO services) for the state of Schleswig-Holstein. Districts, independent towns and cities, and the state of Schleswig-Holstein work together in the transit authority to develop modern and economical regional and local transport on rail and road. NAH.SH GmbH seeks to optimize existing timetable concepts by reducing travel times and to get more passengers using regional and local transport in Schleswig-Holstein by offering attractive services.

The GESH project involves planning speed increases through route optimization in the existing network (125 km) in HOAI phases 1 to 4. The project contract, which runs to a volume of approx. EUR 7 million, includes infrastructure design, surveying, ground-penetrating radar, geotechnical engineering, environmental planning, and noise control.

The target for project completion is spring 2023.

Project information

  • Planning of speed increases on existing lines
  • Infrastructure planning for approx. 125 km
  • Surveying incl. drone flight and recording of a point cloud in the inventory
  • Geotechnical investigations incl. soundings and evaluation
  • Planning of new storage sidings

Infrastructure-specific project information

  • Upgraded Lines
    • Superstructure: ballast
    • Length of line: 125 km
    • Design speed: 160 km/h


  • Design work for HOAI phases 1–4
    • Transport facilities
    • Control-command and signaling
    • Electrical equipment and overhead line equipment
    • Geotechnical engineering/foundation
    • Environmental Planning
    • Noise control
    • Ground-penetrating radar
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