Rail freight train - Etihad Rail DB Operations LLC
Rail freight - Etihad Rail DB Operations LLC - Freight train in depot
Rail freight - Etihad Rail DB Operations LLC - operator at the panel

Transferring transportation from road to rail, UAE

From 2013 to 2022 (from 2018 through DB International Operations), Deutsche Bahn was responsible for the development and operation of a rail freight route centered on Mirfa for transporting granulated sulfur from mines in Shah to the port of Ruwais on the Persian Gulf via Habshan.

  • 264 km rail connection
  • 1,700 m freight trains with 11,000 metric ton of granulated sulfur per train
  • Elimination of 66,000 truck journeys during 12-month testing in 2014-2015

Scope of services

  • Establishing organizational and HR-related sides of infrastructure unit as part of a joint venture, Etihad Rail DB Operations LLC, between Etihad Rail and Deutsche Bahn
  • Supporting functional testing and management during testing stage
  • Infrastructure management and training for technical staff in scheduled operations
  • Etihad Rail DB operates and maintains rolling stock (locomotives and freight wagons) and infrastructure (tracks, signal boxes, maintenance facilities, and buildings) for stage one of the UAE’s national railway network.
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