Bird’s eye view of the Frankfurt Central hub

Frankfurt Central hub

Located at the heart of Germany and with a huge number of potential transfer connections, the Frankfurt hub is one of the most important rail junctions in Europe. Many international and national traffic flows cross Frankfurt Central, making it a key passenger station in the Deutsche Bahn AG rail network. Around 450,000 travelers use Frankfurt Central every day.

In order to cope with this large number of visitors and heavy traffic flows, the network around the hub is being gradually expanded and its infrastructure upgraded. Various measures are being implemented to increase capacity, improve quality and create synergies from those desired effects.

The Frankfurt hub is being expanded as part of the Frankfurt RheinMainplus program. To ensure that the rail network remains efficient, the State of Hesse, the City of Frankfurt am Main, the Rhine-Main Transit Authority and Deutsche Bahn, under the leadership of DB Netz AG, have joined forces for the purpose of the Frankfurt RheinMainplus program. The idea is to equip the Rhine-Main region for the mobility requirements of tomorrow.

Project information

  • Expansion of capacity at the Frankfurt Central station throat
  • Adaptation of the station throat for more flexible and parallel travel options
  • Increase of platform capacity for better and more flexible accessibility and handling of trains
  • Improvement in punctuality by eliminating crossing conflicts and secondary conflicts
  • Separation of traffic flows – untangling of incoming and outgoing trains
  • Clustering and direction-dependent systematization of journeys


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